Fiji is a nation in the South Pacific with many religions; Christian, Muslim, Hinduism, Sikhism and many others. The Fiji Mission Team will minister at Glory Gate Baptist Church and School in Sigatoka, Vita Levu. Vacation Bible School, work on building ministry property fence, village medical outreach and ministering in men’s and women’s prisons in the capital city of Suva. Please pray for the Fijian people as they hear the Word and draw closer to the Lord.
Let them give glory to the Lord, and declare His praise in the coastlands. Isaiah 42:12
Would you please consider doing 2 things: (1) Praying for us who are going and/or (2) Consider sponsoring us? Pray for unity of the team, Pray for servants hearts of the team members, Pray for effective witness to the Fijian People, Pray for strength and health, Pray for traveling mercies and protection, Pray as we support and encourage the local fellowships, Pray for the ministry outreaches
The schedule date of our mission is September 3rd – September 13th. Our team needs to raise approx. $2,100.00 per person. It includes airfare, accommodations, food transportation and miscellaneous expenditures. We thank you in advance for praying and supporting the Fiji Missions Team in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Fijian People.
If you are willing to support one of us, please visit the link below to donate or mail a check to our Missions Office at CCD. Calvary Chapel Downey 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA. 90242. Please make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Downey, with team member’s name/country in the memo section of your check. *If for some reason the team member you want to support cannot participate as they had planned, the funds will be put into the “general account” for this trip. All donations are tax deductible.
Vinaka (Thank you)
Fiji Mission Team 2020
Dear Friends and Family:
The Lord has given Calvary Chapel of Downey the opportunity to minister in Haiti alongside Pastor Brian McDaniel, Mickie Horst, our long-term missionary, and Cross to Light Ministries. In 2010, Haiti was hit with a 7.0 earthquake that took the life of many and left the already impoverished nation in turmoil. Within the last year mounting civil unrest, which began with a fuel hike and an already corrupt government, has increased the poverty level and devastated the country. Now more than ever this country, whose religion is voodoo, needs Christians to minister and bring aid to the established churches.
Our team will have the opportunity to serve in many ways such as tent city outreaches, the children’s feeding program encouraging the Bible College students and Pastors, and hospital visits. We will also have the opportunity to serve in Church Service, Worship, Children’s Bible Study, VBS, and construction of the Cross to Light Missionary Training Center. This year our team’s main focus will be to support a Pastors/Pastor’s Wives/Pastor’s Children’s Conference.
The approximate cost for each team member is $1600. Every team member will have a financial account set up at our Missions Office and will be able to receive donations from their supporters.
Please consider praying about how you can help further the work of the Lord alongside our team. There are many ways you can become involved. We invite you to become a part of our team through prayer, encouragement and/or financial support.
If you are willing to support one of us, please visit the link below to donate or mail a check to our Missions Office at CCD. Calvary Chapel Downey 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA. 90242. Please make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Downey, with team member’s name/country in the memo section of your check. *If for some reason the team member you want to support cannot participate as they had planned, the funds will be put into the “general account” for this trip. All donations are tax deductible.
We truly appreciate your support! Thank you for taking part in this work!
Haiti Missions 2020
Revive La Grange Mission, Kentucky
Dear Family and Friends:
We have been given the opportunity to join our Church on a mission trip to La Grange, KY. We will come alongside Pastor Jeff Morris and the body of believers at Calvary Chapel of La Grange and as a team we will spend time evangelizing and making disciples throughout the city. Our goal is to simply proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ going door-to-door and place-to-place, having worship services, a baptism, and any other opportunity where the Lord may direct our steps.
This letter in not only to bring awareness of the exciting chance our team has to serve the Lord in this capacity, but it is also to invite you to be a part of it. We invite you to become a part of our team through prayer, encouragement, and financial support. The cost for each team member is approximately $900. This includes: food, ministry items, and any extra needed expenses. All the funds need to be raised by May 1st, 2020 to secure all expenses. Please pray and ask the Lord how He would have you help us meet our goal to reach people for Christ.
Should you be led to support financially, please visit the link below or mail a check back to our Church Office with “Attention: Revive La Grange Mission” on the front of the envelope. Calvary Chapel Downey 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA. 90242. Please make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Downey, with team member’s name/country in the memo section of your check. *If for some reason the team member you want to support cannot participate as they had planned, the funds will be put into the “general account” for this trip. All donations are tax deductible.
We truly appreciate your support and prayers.
Thank you for taking part in this amazing work of revival!
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” ~Psalm 11:3
Zacatecas, Mexico
Dear Friends and Family,
We are very excited to know that this year we'll be having a mission team for Jerez, Zacatecas. The vision for this team is to go and spread the Gospel in Jerez and Zacatecas city. While in Jerez we'll be conducting a VBS to reach out to the community and surrounding towns, in Zacatecas city we'll be working side by side with Pastor Jesse Colon in the planting of the new church. There will also be door-to-door Evangelism and many more opportunities to work in different ministries.
The cost for this trip is approximate $1,200.00, which includes: airfare, lodging, transportation, food, ministry items and miscellaneous expenses. The funds need to be raised by June 9th. We invite you to become part of our team, there are different ways you can get involved through prayer, encouragement and support.
If you are willing to support one of us, please visit the link below to donate or mail a check to our Missions Office at CCD. Calvary Chapel Downey 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA. 90242. Please make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Downey, with team member’s name/country in the memo section of your check. *If for some reason the team member you want to support cannot participate as they had planned, the funds will be put into the “general account” for this trip. All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you. May God bless you!
The Zacatecas Team.
Detroit, USA
Dear friends and family:
The City of Detroit has been on a severe decline for the past 40 years due to de-industrialization, job loss, government corruption, bankruptcy, murder, drugs, hate, crime, and sad to say but also corruption within the church. In the U.S. we have natural disasters but when you look at Detroit; the disaster is man-made and it is very heart-breaking to know that within our own country we have people that are living way below the poverty line in 3rd world conditions. Between 1970 to 2007 Detroit had the highest murder rate in the country and also has one of the greatest population declines for a major U.S. city, a city that had 1.8 million has dwindled down to just around 600,000. The police department has cut its force in half and 2/3rds of the public schools are closed due to lack of funds but Detroit has been working to rebuild socially and economically but still lacks in many ways as the infrastructure continues to crumble.
The people of Detroit are not bitter but fearful, broken, and hurt. Many have biblical, God-fearing roots but through the enemy’s continual attacks they have become discouraged and immobilized “but” the Lord has not forgotten his people. The city tries to fix and rebuild the outward through superficial means but we know that before you can truly fix the outside the inside needs to be healed and revived spiritually and that is what we will be doing in Detroit…our mission in Detroit is to administer God’s unconditional love through work (fixing and renewing houses), service (removing overgrown brush and trash), compassion (outreaching through concert and back-pack school supply give-away), ministry (preaching and teaching in the jails, streets, and churches), and compassion (prayer support).
“Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matt. 5:16
We invite you to become a part of our team through prayer, encouragement, and or financial support. The approximate cost for each team member is $950 (which includes: airfare, lodging, transportation, food, and ministry supply expenses).
If you are willing to support one of us, please visit the link below to donate or mail a check to our Missions Office at CCD. Calvary Chapel Downey 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA. 90242. Please make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Downey, with team member’s name/country in the memo section of your check. *If for some reason the team member you want to support cannot participate as they had planned, the funds will be put into the “general account” for this trip. All donations are tax deductible.
Kids Kingdom Orphanage, Ensenada, Mexico
Please pray about joining us for a weekend full of ministry and fun. We desire to bless the children and staff at the Kids Kingdom Orphanage, Ensenada, Mexico. Our goal is to share the love of God with the kids through devotionals for boys and girls, various crafts, face painting, animal balloons, photo booth, playing games and doing sports, providing meals and gifts. Also when we have an opportunity we do street evangelism. The cost of the trip is $65.
We have four trips planned this year: March 13-15th, May 15-17th, September 11-13th, December 11-13th.
If you are willing to support one of us or donate to the general fund for supplies, gifts, etc., please visit the link below to donate or mail a check to our Missions Office at CCD. Calvary Chapel Downey 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey, CA. 90242. Please make checks payable to Calvary Chapel Downey, with team member’s name/country in the memo section of your check. *If for some reason the team member you want to support cannot participate as they had planned, the funds will be put into the “general account” for this trip. All donations are tax deductible.