Our Missionaries
Zully Ruano, Spain
Zully Ruano was exposed to missions from a very young age and at the age of 16, the Lord inscribed on her heart 2 Corinthians 5:15. She worked on staff at CC Downey where she served as the Missions Coordinator for almost 10 years. In God’s perfect timing, Zully received a special missionary call to help begin a Christian international school in Mallorca, Spain. The school’s purpose is not only to prepare children academically but to reach children and their families with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition to establishing a Christian school, Zully’s long term goal is to strategically use Spain’s geographical location to prepare and send missionaries to its neighboring countries in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.
Vincent Aniku, Uganda
God has called Pastor Vincent Aniku (a national) as Senior Pastor and his wife Melissa Aniku (a missionary from America) to serve Him in Midigo for His glory, growing daily in His love for His people!
Brian Versoza, Philippines
In April of 2014 Brian Versoza was ordained as a Pastor and took over the ministry that Pastor Tom Maxwell planted in Cebu, Philippines (Shepherd’s Heart Calvary Chapel). In 2009 Pastor Brian graduated from U-Turn for Christ School of Ministry in Samar, and then became an intern at Shepherd’s Heart Calvary Chapel (SHCC) in Cebu City serving alongside Pastor Tom Maxwell. As he extended his internship, the Lord opened the doors for Pastor Brian to become SHCC’s senior pastor when Pastor Tom returned to the US. SHCC reaches out primarily to squatter areas, ministering to over 100 adults and an average of 400 kids as the school year starts. The church has a full range of ministries for children of all ages and adults.
Pasha Baranov, Russia
Pasha received the Lord in May of 1992 at one of the first outreaches by Calvary Chapel of Downey. In November of 2004, Pasha became the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Vladimir, Russia, and overseer of all the missions in the Vladimir region. There are currently 7 Calvary Chapels in the Vladimir region. CC Vladimir has also established a Bible College.
Sammy Medina, Merida
Sammy Medina grew up in the missions field. At the age of 9, his parents moved from California and decided to become full time missionaries in Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico. Since then, he fell in love with the people and the culture, started to learn the language, attended school and helped his dad in the ministry.
After graduating college at the age of 23, Sammy and Aly got married in Merida. Today they have three sons and one daughter. Sammy became a member of the pastoral team serving alongside his father sharing the pulpit. After working for several years with the youth and serving on the pastoral team, his dad passed the baton to his son on October 27, 2019. Since then he is serving as the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Merida.
Fernando Rodriquez, Cuba
Fernando Rodriguez began serving as pastor of Iglesia Buenas Nuevas in Cuba for the last 17 years and has been involved with Calvary Chapel for the same amount of years. The church he serves at has established 8 church plants, as well as a Bible college. Fernando serves as our main contact for our annual Cuban Pastor’s Conference which has taken place for the last 7 years.
Daniel & Elizabeth, Asia
Daniel and Elizabeth, along with their 3 children Abbagail, Liam, and Peter are serving in Southern Asia since 2015. Through God’s grace, they have been able to translate the Gospel into the local dialect, share the Gospel with university students, and organize outreach to children. In 2017, Daniel began a weekly Sunday night service with the locals. Along with worship, prayer, and fellowship, they are making their way through the Word in an expository fashion.
James Gutierrez, Jerez
During Covid, while attending the School of Ministry, he prayed for direction as to where to step out in faith. In 2020, while serving in food ministry, the majority of the families he encountered were Spanish speaking. Not having any practice to pray for families in Spanish, he experienced a dependence on the Holy Spirit to minister in Spanish to the hurt and hopeless. It was there where the Lord called him to the ministry and to extend the Revive America evangelism ministry to Mexico.
After going on a Revive America mission trip to New Hampshire, the Lord impressed on him to do the same ministry in Mexico of teaching and training the body of believers how to share their faith to the community. He will be serving alongside Pastor Jesse Colon in the discipling of the brethren, and a School of Missions.
Jesse & Kim Colon, Jerez
For over 4 years Jesse prayed to serve as a long-term missionary in his parent’s hometown of Jerez, Zacatecas. In October of 2016, Jesse and Kim took the step of obedience and faith to heed God’s call for full time missions in Jerez. The vision the Lord has given them is to start CC Mission Jerez. The Lord has provided them with a place to live in the city as well as farmland nearby to work on in order to provide resources to much in need. They are also praying to see the land used to start a Bible college, and through it raise up leaders and missionaries to minister wherever the Lord would send them.
Watson Charles, Haiti
Pastor Watson Charles was born in Haiti, raised in a Christian home, and in 2019 married his beloved wife, Jane. In Port Au Prince and under the leadership of founder and Pastor, Brian McDaniel, Watson serves as the Administrator for the ten plus Cross to Light churches and Pastor over the students and staff at the CTL Bible Training Center.
Haiti is our neighbor, and with the crippling effects of voodoo and wickedness all over the country, suffering is a common thread. The church of God is hard pressed on every side. There’s a great spiritual battle in Haiti and Cross to Lights vision has always been to move the Gospel forward. Our Haitian brethren pray consistently, seeking the will of the Lord for them and for their people.
Cyril Gordon, USA
Cyril Gordon, a French-Israeli citizen, was a missionary with “Jews for Jesus” for 19 years. He trained and managed an average of 20 volunteers/year (2000 to 2019). Cyril’s vision is threefold:
Reaching out to the forgotten Jews in nursing homes. These Jews are mostly bedridden and rarely get any visitors.
Expanding his unique and fruitful outreach to Jews in local synagogues.
Continuing the open-air evangelism in Venice Beach.
Dany Garcia, Xalapa
Calvary Chapel Xalapa is a church located in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. This is a small but beautiful city surrounded by mountains and beautiful lakes. The church was started in 2015 by Calvary Chapel Downey’s missionary Danny Gamez. When he moved back to California, a young couple from Yucatán, México, moved to Xalapa to take over the church: Dany and Lety Garcia. They have been serving in Xalapa for almost 2 years. Right now the church has about 80 people attending on Sundays.
Felicia Knoth, USA
Felicia Knoth is currently serving the Lord with “Youth With a Mission Gleanings For The Hungry” . She has a heart to help the poor, needy, and hungry.
Deuteronomy 15:11 “ For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.
Jay Bentley, Durango
The Bentley family moved to Durango Mexico in October of 2009, Jay and Carmen have 5 beautiful children 3 girls and 2 boys Rebecca, Jay, Abigail, Vivianna and Christian. Over the years God has blessed in many different ways the ministry in Durango. In August of 2021 CC Durango opened up a Christian School called Calvary Life currently we have over 30 children enrolled at the School. Calvary Chapel Durango is home to around 200 people. Thank you so much for your prayers and support CC Downey.y you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Steve Flores, Israel
Steve Flores is currently running CBI Study Tour Israel where kids go every semester to study the Bible while being in the land it came from. You can find out more informations about Steve Flores and Study Tours at the link below!
“Go therefore and make disciples of all Nations” Matthew 28:19
Jeannette Navarette, USA
In 2012, Jeannette’s journey in missions began with the Calvary Chapel Spanish ministry's trip to orphanages in Ensenada, Mexico. In 2018, God led her team to Zacatecas, Mexico, to open a new church. From 9 AM to 5 PM each day, they tirelessly evangelized, sharing the gospel and the transformative love of Jesus Christ, witnessing God's healing and hope. She is blessed to help lead Revive America on a mission trip all around the United States, each mission reinforcing her commitment to the Great Commission and filling her heart with excitement for future missions. With every step, she gives glory to God, praising Jesus for His guidance and strength. Her prayer is to continue serving faithfully, bringing His light to the darkest corners of the world, and witnessing His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.